Rosemary Essential Oil

Rosmarinus officinalis

This is where you can add an introduction to the ingredient, including a couple of its uses and/or benefits.


This is the description of the ingredient, including what it is, where it comes from. You can include how it is used, if it has different methods of being used (fresh/dried/distilled for oil etc). You can also include some benefits of the ingredient, and link it to a blog post which talks about the benefit. Where (country/location) does the ingredient come from?

Rosemary Essential Oil can be found in

Golden Rosewood Luxury Hand Cream Bar...Woody, Herby Warm Citrus.
Golden Rosewood Luxury Hand Cream Bar...Woody, Herby Warm Citrus.
Golden Rosewood Luxury Hand Cream Bar...Woody, Herby Warm Citrus.
Golden Rosewood Luxury Hand Cream Bar...Woody, Herby Warm Citrus.
Golden Rosewood Luxury Hand Cream Bar...Woody, Herby Warm Citrus.
Golden Rosewood Luxury Hand Cream Bar...Woody, Herby Warm Citrus.

Golden Rosewood Luxury Hand Cream Bar...Woody, Herby Warm Citrus.

£ 12.00
Organic Facial Cleanser Virgin Organic Hemp Seed Oil
Organic Facial Cleanser Virgin Organic Hemp Seed Oil
Organic Facial Cleanser Virgin Organic Hemp Seed Oil
Organic Facial Cleanser Virgin Organic Hemp Seed Oil
Organic Facial Cleanser Virgin Organic Hemp Seed Oil
Organic Facial Cleanser Virgin Organic Hemp Seed Oil

Virgin Organic Hemp Seed Oil Super Cleanser

£ 17.99
Anti Ageing Night Cream  - Edinburgh Natural Skincare Company
Anti Ageing Night Cream  - Edinburgh Natural Skincare Company
Anti Ageing Night Cream  - Edinburgh Natural Skincare Company
Anti Ageing Night Cream  - Edinburgh Natural Skincare Company
Anti Ageing Night Cream  - Edinburgh Natural Skincare Company
Anti Ageing Night Cream  - Edinburgh Natural Skincare Company

Ultra Rich Anti Ageing Face Cream Night Formula. The Perfect Night Cream. Made In Scotland

£ 21.99
Super Scottish Porridge And Honey Cold Processed Soap
Super Scottish Porridge And Honey Cold Processed Soap
Super Scottish Porridge And Honey Cold Processed Soap
Super Scottish Porridge And Honey Cold Processed Soap

Super Scottish Porridge And Honey Cold Processed Soap

£ 7.99
Gentlemen'S Daily Moisturising Face Serum...Luxurious!
Gentlemen'S Daily Moisturising Face Serum...Luxurious!
Gentlemen'S Daily Moisturising Face Serum...Luxurious!
Gentlemen'S Daily Moisturising Face Serum...Luxurious!

Gentlemen'S Daily Moisturising Face Serum...Luxurious!

£ 16.99
Jekyll And Hyde Natural Beard Balm
Jekyll And Hyde Natural Beard Balm
Jekyll And Hyde Natural Beard Balm
Jekyll And Hyde Natural Beard Balm

Jekyll And Hyde Natural Beard Balm

£ 10.99